Why I need to do my course...

This move has been such a learning curve. When we completed our last home we had a strong feeling that we needed to do another house, to put into practice everything we had learnt from the project. We honestly thought we knew it all!

Errr no, we did make mistakes and we did learn from them, but our new blank canvas is full of different challenges and our new setting is sending us in a new visual direction.

On my course, I teach you to make mood boards like the now above for my living room, plus I ask participants to buy and label a set of folders, to collect samples and keep measurements for each room.

Here in my new home I have made a few mood bards, which have really helped me, and I do have a pile of folders, they are labelled, but are they full of measurements and ideas? No!! Hence the title of this post: Why I Need To Do My Course. Instead, I have a samples box full of swatches and notes and plans and my measurements are all over the place. Some are in my diary and some are noted down in my phone, which is handy, if you are out and about, but not very handy if you have forgotten where they are!! Badly need to get organised. Like most people, I do have to work as well, so I cannot just focus on my house and have endless meetings with plumbers, electricians and flooring fitters. These have to be squeezed in. The meetings have to be useful to everyone involved, so what you can do is plan for meetings in quiet moments by filling up those colourful folders with notes, measurements, prices and inspirational images.

I do know what I am talking about a little bit though, honestly! In fact experiencing the reality of a new project has really helped me scrutinise and update my course material and I actually have so much more to offer.

I will enjoy going through the material with everyone so much with my renewed wisdom and experience. It is really fun by the way, bonding as a group and swapping ideas and supporting each other with their and your plans. I had hoped to hold one over Autumn, but I am afraid the challenges of the move have overwhelmed me. Instead, I am focusing on holding one in Spring, once I am more settled.

It will probably be my last 'live course'. When my new home is ready, I will ask my son to film my six modules and have Facebook chats instead with participants, but actually it is really enjoyable being a group and I hope useful being able to question me directly on my suggestions and my processes.

Please drop me a line if you would like to participate. Really looking forward to getting to know you all.


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Carly Kyle's Edinburgh Home