Alison Gibb Styling & Writing

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Tim Stevenson

Absolutely thrilled with our latest feature in House Beautiful magazine.

I discovered artist Tim Stevenson when I saw a write up about him in the Sun newspaper: he had used acrylic teal kitchen cupboard door fronts from Ikea, as flooring, in his beautiful, brand new, purpose built studio.

They were on sale in bargain corner for 1p each, Tim bought 200 of them and it cost him £2! They have a sightly textured, matt finish, which makes it an extremely practical floor surface.

I then, immediately, fell in love with his amazing artwork. You can find out more on his website We Are Lunarium.

I have already bought one for my niece for her 30th and encouraged clients to buy his work through my room reports and I look forward to placing one in my own home as well, when it is ready.

Tim's background is retail and visual merchandising. He had the idea for his beautiful geometric wall hangings on holiday,a few years ago, just scribbling in a sketch book. He decided to go ahead when he got home and made some up and opened an Etsy shop. His practice has gone from strength to strength and in lockdown sales went mad.

His wall hangings look amazing in cafes, bars and restaurants. He has now left his job in fashion retail and is working full time on We are Lunarium and is even employing an assistant.

His work is constantly evolving, he seems to come up with new ideas continually, all based on his very simply concept: painting the simple plywood discs to create beautiful hanging displays in an endless variety of colourways and arrangements.

Tim is extremely modest about his work, his journey to success was a natural progression, from the spark of his original idea to a full time business. Like all successful artists and designers it is his genuine enthusiasm and passion for his work that drives him, his lack of formal training has not impeded him in the slightest. I am certain there are great things ahead for Tim and believe his work to be an excellent investment for the future.

I am delighted that he has offered a piece of his artwork as a giveaway on Instagram this week. Please follow us both me and Tim and look out for it - my husband is convinced that I will accidentally 'win' it myself - I promise I won't!