Her Indoors Blog

Art Alison Gibb Art Alison Gibb

Tim Stevenson

Tim's background is retail and visual merchandising. He had the idea for his beautiful geometric wall hangings on holiday, a few years ago, just scribbling in a sketch book…

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Home and Garden Features Alison Gibb Home and Garden Features Alison Gibb

Mauve & Mocha

Another recent feature was about the home of Joanna Kerr, owner of brand new online homeware store Mauve & Mocha. Inspired by their journey renovating a beautiful but dated bungalow on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Joanna and her husband, Paul, have both set up new businesses of their own…

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Interviews Alison Gibb Interviews Alison Gibb

Stòr Living

So excited to hear about a new online homeware store Stòr Living. It was set up, here in Scotland, by my lovely friend and designer colleague, Donna Caira, in partnership with her daughter, Julia…

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